Hi! I'm a gay Christian. It really offends me when people get the idea in their heads that because I'm Christian, I hate gays, so I can't be gay. What is wrong with being an accepting Christian? Why do people lump me together with zealots?
Read the whole thing, not just the title, please.
Dreamstuff Entity: No. God loves everyone. People hate. People kill. And God weeps at this. God does not condone killing. THOU SHALT NOT KILL.
Mrs. X: I am gay. I am not ex-gay. I am not trying to not be gay. That is who I am. I've come to accept and embrace that.

Corey S: With all possible respect for you, I disagree. Adam and Eve were NECESSARY to populate the world. And, God made me. God is good. I am gay. So, being gay is what God made me, and it is good.