...will be legal in all states? Well not most; 39%, but more than any other option on they survey.
Compared with the 2nd most common answer: "banned in all states"
and third most common answer: "legal in some states"

This was an aol survey. And this is a survey predicting 20-years or so down the road.

They actually said it will be legal in "All states" as the most common answer? wow that would be nice.
but for some reason I don't see it happening.
gay marraige has been labeled as a state issue.
Do you think they were answering that in their hearts, instead of with their brains?

There's too many rednecks in Texas to go for that.
Even as society trends more pro-homosexual, there will probably still be a lot of prejudice hate out there. But on the other hand, hatred towards blacks is at record lows. Maybe it will be for gays too in the future.

But to make same sex marriage legal in states like ohio & texas is just inrealistic.
The only way that could happen is if something legalized it at the national level. But it seems to be a state issue. At the national level, only 3 of 100 senators (Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein) support legalizing same sex marriage.

This would be cool if it were legalized nationwide but I think more realistically we should aim for California.
There's a strong chance the CA Supreme Court will legalize it next March/April. If not, then expect an amendment proposal on the 2010 ballot to legalize it.

As for the next state to legalize it:
Maybe Vermont or Maryland?

With any luck, maybe New York?
New York (along with NM & RI) currently recognized foreign same sex marriages.
NY is famously liberal. but gay-liberal?
who knows.