approved it for M/F in law? 6.13.2008 religious law approved world wide, Take advantage. what most animals were naturally permitted, the human animals were denied of free love with constraint of recording the love alike current matrimonial relation, for security purposes if finace, health, disease, accident, child birth etc etc , the world religions group approved the more free conjugal relations between male and female, same sex partners, mixed sex congugal lelation including a non_sex but no nonsense cohabitational agreements in democratic nations, it is religious law, but legislative laws of some nations may be different, IF YOU FOLLOW RELIGIOUS RIGHTS & RITES THEN NO NATION CAN PROSECUTE YOU FOR OFFENCE FOR PROSECUTION, bUT LEGISLATIVE LAWS MAY OR MAY NOT GIVE PRIVILEGES OF SUCH SOCIAL UNIONS, WHICH MAY BE FORTHCIMING. tHE REV DR KAMAL KARNA K ROY MOVED TO US COURT LAST WEEK TO DECLARE CHRISINITY BASED ONE WOMAN RELATIONSHIPS & STATE LAWS IN MATRIMONY JUST U S UNCONSTITUTIONAL DISCRIMINATORY TO ISLAM OTHR