About a month ago me and a friend started making out in the girls toilets pretty much every time we'd go out to clubs 2-3 times a week maybe? Don't know how or why or when it happened, but it happened. It's not your usual 'making out' it was really raunchy stuff. I have never actually told her I'm a lesbian nor bisexual, she hasn't quite told me either, I think we know without having to discuss it and our friends have absolutely no idea, we're both very feminine girls. I'm just really confused lately as to whether she likes me. I haven't seen her in over a week and she's being a little different with me lately and we don't talk as much we did, she's being a bit assy with me too. I really want there to be more between us but I don't know how to go around telling her? I want to do this sober, no dutch courage, sober. I just don't know what to say? how to say it? I'm meeting her tomorrow with a few friends.. If I feel I'm getting the right vibes and she's still interested, very complex girl I'm dealing with by the way, I will talk with her.. just want some pointers on what I should say really, any suggestions or anything really nervous about this.