I occassionally have dreams about making out with girls and i kinda find lesbian kissing hot.Im not gay at all,but my fantasizin started wen my girl(my best friend) told me she was gay and i kinda found it weird that she was like with this girl everytime and i was jelous,and then she told me that she liked her and i was surprised.
My fantasizin dreams are kind of like this:We are in my bed and i totally attack her,and we end up makin out like crazy and then it neva leads to anywhere cause i have no idea how lesbians have sex.
But I want you to knw tht I am boy crazy,i love boys,i fantasize and yea it leads to sex cause i knw how boy to girl hav sex.
This is kinda not acceptable in my family to be a lesbian but i always imagine my first kiss to be with a girl(No im not tht young) or if not somewhere b/4 i die i would love to kiss a girl but then i watch south of nowhere and it drives me nuts,how easy they make it look.I love south of Nowhere,I love mandy Musgrave,she is freakin hot and an awesome actress

help me out
Am I a lesbian or bisexual or neither?No idea,but if someone asked me i would totally say straight.