Growing up I have always had crushes on girls. I can remeber my first crush in first grade all the way till now. The weird thing is, is that i went through a phase in like 7th grade till 10th grade where i was really aroused by guys and not so much girls, but i still always had a crushes on the girls. I have never had a crush on a guy and i know if i was put in a situation to have sex with a guy i wouldnt. But what is even weirder is that ever since 11th grade my attraction to guys lessoned and my sexual attraction tword girls increased. From being the kid that hung out with a bunch of girls freshman year i have found a group of guys and enjoy hangin out with them. The more i hang out with them the more it seems that i want to have sex with a women and the less and less i seem to be attracted to guys. Does anyone know whats going on here?