As a conservative who does a lot of acting you can imagine i spend quite a bit of time with liberals and yes, even gay men. They ask me why I don't believe in legalizing gay marriage.
I have only one response. I will ask it here. No one has given a reasonable response. I usually just get called a hater or a homophobe. I am not. I simply ask a reasonable answer to this one question. I dare one liberal to be reasonable and answer this question. it will not happen. Enjoy fellow conservatives.

Why should marriage be only limited to two people. If we are changing the definition of the genders involved why not change the definition of the number involved as well.

Serious question. Just give me a reasonable answer. I cannot come up with one. My point. if you are going to change the gender on some grounds NOT related to religion but just, what you feel is right or wrong, then you must. i repeat.. you MUST open it to as many as want to sign.

Thanks for your sincere answer.
No good answers yet.

There will be none.

Marriage is a religious institution.

The answer is simple. We must end the income tax, we have to get the federal government OUT OF OUR LIVES so that issues like this do not matter.

Marriage happens in a church.

Get the state out of it.