to fit for a 30 min film...? ? THIS IS WHAT I HAVE SO FAR......

There's this ordinary pizza delivery guy named Kevin, one night Kevin is delivering a pizza to a bar where the entrance is in a dark Kevin is about to walk down the alley to the entrance door he sees two big guys beaten up on a little guy talkin about he owes them money for the dope he bought for TAKING OUT this loan shark that was on his back...then suddenly Kevin hears gunshots so he quickly ducks down behind some trashcans but makes a lot noise when he does so now these two guys are saying whose there and coming toward the Kevin gets up and runs toward his car and now they're chasing after him...he gets in and drives the two big guys are standing there one gets on the phone with his big boss saying someone saw what happened..............HELP WITH FINISHING THE STORY FOR MY SHORT FILM..........WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT?....WHERE DID KEVIN GO.......NEEDS MORE CHARACTERS...AND DIALOGUE...JUST MORE...PLZ HELP!!!?