Titanic is coming back out to theatres in 3D in april, and there is supposed to be a Blue ray 3D release on 3/13/2012 according to walmart.com, thats a month earlier, and I dont know if its not a regular version or the 4 disc special edition. But anyways my question is, its not on blue ray yet only vhs and dvd, rather than going dvd, ill wait for blue ray, "But it seems its only going to be in 3D" will it be in regular blue ray at the same time"? because if not, I only have a standard Blue Ray Player, and LCD TV, if I have to buy the full Blue Ray 3D version will it still play on my equipment even though mine is not 3D capable, I mean its still Blue ray, cant it still play the movie in HD, and I can still atleast get the Blue Ray quality ive been waiting for?, Just without the 3D part, it should still play!!