I am just a beginner in electronics, and for my school I was designing a ding dong door bell for my technological process. I tried to put the entire circuit on a brad board (a small board with lots of holes). The circuit was not modified in any way. At the end when tried to start the circuit, the speaker was not making any noise, except a squeaky fuzz.

For the circuit I used
3 x 68k ohms resistor,
10k ohms resistor,
15 ohms resistor.
.01 uF polyester (greencap),
10 uF 16V RB electrocylic,
47uF 16V RB electrocylic.
2 x 1N4004 diode,
8ohms loudspeaker
555 timer integrated chip.

Any idea why the circuit is not making a sound..please help ASAP...

Reference book - Funway into Electronics by Dick Smith Electronics, Volume 2, page (32-34), Ding Dong doorbell