Ok so I read this manhwa to the part where they have this royal ball or something and Prince Tyon came and was attacked and Matia was stabbed and she later proved to the king that it wasn't related to the general or something

Then i couldn't bear it anymore I needed to know the ending, so I flipped over to the last chapter and it confused the hell out if me.

So can someone tell me just what happened after the royal ball? Just give me some basic idea.

Cos now it seems to me like Price Tyon turns gay? And what's with the ending? And what happens with Matia and the general? Were they ever together?

If someone can give me the summary please do. I'd really appreciate it. The summary on wikipedia only ends at the beginning of the story and i can't find its summary anywhere else. All people talk about this manhwa is how it doesn't end properly. I wanna know what happen in between. Thanks!