The following message was sent to you via the IhAv.NET Contact Us form by Annie Wong.


Dear Webmaster,

I’ve came across your site and I would like to contact you in regards to our new network AdOnion an ad marketplace which allows you to monetize your website and connect with advertisers in a whole new way to earn the revenue you desire. We can also manage your ad zone for you, as you can input tags from other network you are working with and set them as default ads.

Publisher’s Benefit
 Review/Request Ad Offers: Now you can also control how much money you earn, you can initiate request for the advertisers to work with you.
 Ad Formats: Interstitials, expandable, full page popunders, graphical banners and text banners
 Set your own rates: You have the ability to set your own rates for your ad zone and earn the revenues you want
 Ad Zone Management: You can add other networks’ tag that you are currently working with us as default ads to better monetize your site.
 No Cost!!

Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to sign up. Thanks!

Annie Wong
[email protected]


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