Workout routine for me? Please!?


May 22, 2008
So I am pretty big. I am 5'11'' weight 300 pounds. I eventually want to weight half that at 150 pounds. I am on a great diet. I have lost ten pounds in one month with it. Its really working! But I know that eatting right is not the only factor to weight loss. Working out is also key.

I need a Monday-Sunday workout plan.

Here is what I have:
8 Minute Taebo Tape
30 Minute Taebo Tape
Pilates Fat Burning Workout
Pilates Circle Workout
Pilates Buns and Thighs Workout
Pilates Abs Workout
2 five pound dumbells
and a full size outdoor trampoline.

I would like to use Pilates Buns and Thighs at least once a week.

Also, I NEED to incorporate crunches, squats, push-ups, etc.
I'm not very good at running, since I am so big but eventually I would like to be not only smaller but "in shape". Like be strong, muscule, skinny,and be able to run and stuff.

I have lots of reasons for motivation, so thats not a problem.
I just need to keep my will power up.

Ten points will go to the answer with a full Monday-Sunday workout plan including the equipment I have and also some basic workouts(crunches, squats, etc.).

BUT... tips and such are greatly appriciated.

I DO NOT want pills, or links, and anything like that.

Thank you so much!