Women Only: Is it strange or normal that my crush and I can't talk to each other?


May 15, 2008
I've had a crush for like the longest time on a female coworker of mine, Sabrina.
She's been my coworker for like a year now.
She has no idea that she's the most beautiful brunette I have ever met.
She is aware that I like her because I've given signs such as happily surprising her this past Valentine's Day by giving her Valentines- a Beatles lunchbox, a heart shaped chocolate lollipop and truffles.
I've helped her out at times when she hasn't asked me to (work-wise).
I used to always find her after clocking out of work to find her so I could say "Bye" and "Goodnight" to her.
Aside from being sweet to her on this past Valentine's Day, she knows that I work hard at our job and that I am strong and a fast runner.
We have never talked much and I have never attempted to flirt with her.
We have looked at each other at times without saying anything to each other.
A few minutes before I clocked out of work tonight, I noticed her looking at me.
We have been blowing each other for almost two months now.
I almost bought two tickets for us to see Chelsea Handler last month when she came to our city.
My heart sinks like every time I see her.
I've had girlfriends and have been on dates yet me feeling weird towards her has never gone away.
I don't have trouble talking to other females at my job even on a platonic level except her.
We can talk to other coworkers but we just don't or can't talk to each other.