Will I be able to get a job driving trucks Long Haul? Should I go to a


New member
Mar 6, 2009
school or try for company training? I don't need any negative comments on how I am a *$@# up or any of that. So with that said here is my story... I have been in the Navy for a little over four years serving on submarines. I have qualified senior in rate, and never been to captain's mast, I have had a couple alcohol related incidences - but what good sailor hasn't... face it - the boat life is hard and takes some time getting use to! I am a second class, for the time being, and was on a normal career path. I had one more patrol and was about to go to shore duty. I say about because one week ago I made a mistake that I don't think I will ever get over! As I said the boat life is hard, however, you find a sort of pride in taking the bull *&^% we were given and still doing our job. I know that if any of you who are submariners, are reading this, that y'all are thinking well you just threw it away and it is your fault and you quit so &*(% you, and that is fine I did do that but I also did the job to. As you can probably tell i am having a hard time right now, I didn't exactly love my job but I found ways to be happy with it and now most of the people on my boat don't want to talk to me. A few of my closest friends do still talk to me and I am happy for that. Anyway, I ended up going out to a local bar and getting really drunk. I was going to just get a few drinks and order a plate from the kitchen, then go home and go to sleep. However, I ended up not ordering before the kitchen closed and from there I figure I just kept drinking. I say I "figure" because I don't really recall the events of that night. Sorry, I know I am getting carried away but I will try to get to the point. So, I got extremely drunk, was alone, and I am pretty sure that I ended up smoking something with some random guy. Details of the night are real fuzzy and I couldn't say anything as a matter of fact. So I woke up on my couch the next day and of course I wondered "what the *&^% did I do?" I am not used to being in any real trouble and I worry to much. Most people would have took there chances with the piss test system and hope there number didn't come up. But, as i said, I worry to much. I thought about doing exactly that and testing my luck, but my worrying would have been worse for me than what I ended up doing. I ended up telling my Chief the next day that I got really drunk and I think I smoked something. So to make this long story short I am not sure yet but I think I am going to get kicked out of the military. I am pretty sure that the worse discharge I will get is an other than Honorable discharge (oth). My plans before I messed up was to finish my time, become a truck driver - which has always been my dream since I love to drive - and live happily ever after. If I hadn't of messed up then I would have had three more years before I got out of the Navy. This time I had planned to use for saving money, paying off my bills, and clearing my driving record. I have two parking lot accidents on my record and maby a speeding ticket. The parking lot accidents are simple - I couldn't see the rice rockets when I backed out of the parking lot. I say maby on the speeding ticket because I don't know if it is still on my record, but I got the ticket because I didn't know my speedometer was not reading correctly. I am 23 now and have had stupid childish offenses on my driving record, including a careless driving - not a reckless driving. I just need to find out how I can better myself and get a decent job. I was proud to serve but I guess I messed that up and do not have that right to say, "I am proud to serve", anymore. Back to my original question, I want to know if I have a chance driving trucks and if I should try to get with a company that provides training or go to a school. If so, what companies and what schools. If not, any suggestions on what I should do with my life. I messed up big time, but, by no means am I a piece of @#$% I love to work, I work hard, and learn well. I just don't have any job experience besides the Navy and bag boy/cashier/stocker at Food Lion back home in SC. Anyway, any advice I would appreciate and thinks for reading.

i think they usually train drivers during the summer..(which is bad because then you start in the winter where there's snow!) but i don't believe there are any difficult requirements for that job you should probably be fine