wii + blueray or ps3?



hey guys, im currently indecisive on my choice of game consoles. should i go with a wii + a middle class blueray dvd player, or should i get a ps3?
please keep in mind thi gaming console needs to entertain 3-4 people.
ps3 because you can play blue ray and the games are much better, has better graphics and the wii games you can get bored of very fast trust me DO NOT GET A WII!!!!!!
well, since the wii is 250 us dollars, and a middle class dvd player is about 500-600 us dollars, and a 20 Gb ps3 is 400 us dollars at best buy, lets do the math.
=800 us dollars

while a ps3 is 400 dollars, thats 400 dollars save, but if you REALLY like the wii games, then i would spend the extra 400 and buy a wii + blu ray....
it depends of what type of games you are into, if u like really intense, realistic, fast-paced games the ps3 is for u. but if u just like too have fun you should go with the wii but most of the games get tiring after awhile if you do get the wii u should definitley pick up super mario galaxy it is prolly the best game for the wii
Are you serious?!, Get PS3 for Gods sake. The PS3 is a Blu-Ray console and it can play DVD's, Blu-Ray DVD's, and it's got a Web browser.

Buying a stand-alone Blu-Ray player right now is almost a waste of money in my opinion, especially if you are into gaming. The PS3 can do what a stand-alone Blu-Ray player can do and MORE.

The PS3 is all that you need for entertainment.

If you can buy a PS3, then there is no reason why you can't buy a Wii, so if it's possible, buy the Wii also.