Why is the ''Jewish Conspiracy'' of 9/11 so little known or publicized of all...


May 13, 2008
...conspiracy theories? I don't want this question to be interpreted as Anti-Semitic or prejudice. I've began studying into 9/11 conspiracy theories similar to the ones of JFK theories. Over the years, the question of conspiracies of whether it be Bush or outside sources will raise over the years. It'll probably be long after all of our lifetimes any of such is exposed similar to the JFK theories with those who lived in the 60's.

Of all conspiracies though, I ask about this one not because it's so much of a conspiracy - but just a reason to be inquisitive.

There were about 30,000 people who worked in the World Trade Center. As many people know, New York City has a high Jewish population. It's in between 15-20% and particularly high in Manhattan. The metropolitan area is also very Jewish. As most people know, Jewish culture tends to be more strict educationally which would naturally mean they'd be more likely to be in the financial sector - most of the jobs in world trade center.

It was estimated of the 30,000 workers in the WTC that around 1/4 of the people employed there were Jewish. And of those approximate 8 thousand people, half took off that day. Several sources indicated this very soonly after 9/11. It's cited briefly on Wikipeida too.

The main reason indicated for why so many people took off was because it was a Jewish holiday. One that was more acknowledged by more conservative religious Jews. Wouldn't that be pretty ironic if New York City is a very liberal place where Americans particularly aren't religious. I do understand there were many Israeli's who worked in the building too, although the majority of Jewish workers were Americans.

Before even reading into such a possible conspiracy, all I ask is why is this so little known. I guarantee I could go around New York City and ask one hundred people are random if they knew 4,000 Jews took off 9/11 - and they'd look at me clueless. Is it because it's publicized so little because the American media is heavily influenced by Jews?

To non-Americans, is such a theory more acknowledged internationally?
Didn't you guy's read the details?

I said this message was not intended to be Anti-Semitic, prejudice or anything of that nature. Maybe all the details confused your minds and made you come to insulting assumptions.

The question wasn't why did 4,000 Jewish people take off 9/11. They took off for a religious holiday. No one denies that. I completely understand that.

I'm just saying why do so few Americans know that 4,000 Jewish people took off on 9/11? Even for religious reasons. It's not like 9/11 isn't something people haven't significantly studied into. Especially in NY. All I want to know is why is this so little known. Even most Jewish people don't know of this. Even in New York City.

I just feel like something is being covered up here. Not by Jewish people because I don't believe they done or knew anything. I think the U.S. Government & Media (intertwined) are purposely witholding this information to prevent any people from thinking.

Read the details more carefully.
I really have to say, nothing is more insulting than people who take the initiative to answer a question without reading any details. It's obvious a couple of you didn't because you never took the initiative to respond to any of the details.

I asked a question. I didn't declare anything. I didn't say if something was something. I was asking. Do I know it all? No. Do all of you know it all? No. This is why thing's like Yahoo Answers exist so people are able to converse with one another.

Remember, I didn't declare anything. I didn't say there was a ''conspiracy.'' I don't believe there is one. Yet so many of you get so boiled by me just asking?

Some of you guy's remind me of this beng a society where people shouldn't ''ask questions.'' Like there's something weird lurk of silence. That isn't what liberation is about, is it? So many of you are so closed-minded and quick to judge on thing's someone never even said that it speaks volumes of the responder's chracters.
Where did I ''undermine'' anyone's death? I acknowledge that many Jews, Americans, Muslims and non-U.S. citizens lost their lives in 9/11. I also know many people lost their lives in the Madrid and London bombings that seem to be regarded of little importance in the United States.

All of who died were victims. All 3,000+ people. In the 66 months the U.S. has been in Iraq, the same amount of people the United States averagely has taken away in Iraqi, American and other national's lives have been lost averagely in less than 3 months. No one thinks about that though and that's exactly why half of you mindless responder's will wind up voting for the baby-women killing John McCain.

How dare of any you to accuse me of believing Jewish people were responsible for 9/11. Do you guy's honestly believe I'm stupid? I know that's not true. I know Muslims didn't do it either. Extremists did. Those aren't Muslims. Maybe you guy's should get Americans to believe that a little better.
Also, I saw no citation the person who said that 1/8 of employee's in the WTC were Jewish. That wouldn't be true.

More than 1/8 of New York City's population is Jewish. I've gotten the demography directly from Jewish resources that have indicated the number is in the high teens. And in Manhattan where many WTC workers lived, it's over 20%. And many Israeli citizens worked there too.

I know that the 4,000 people who didn't go to work that day didn't do so because they ''knew something.'' I don't even think there should be a ''Jewish conspiracy.'' It is absurb. However, I do think it's crazy for Americans, New Yorkers, Americans and many Jewish people to not be aware that such a bulk of the work force took off on 9/11.

They don't have to be Jewish. They could be Atheist. American. Christian. Who cares? When 11% of the employee's in a building call out on such this day, how could so many people not at least know? It's apart of the history of 9/11. I'm just asking why? That's all.
I am sorry if any of you took this to be Anti-Semitic, prejudice or anything of that sort. That is not what this message was though. I was asking a question and that is why I believe it's very important that people read details. I'll be deleting this question in a little while because of the negative responses given. Only one person took the initiative to actually answer the question - as I can tell he at least read the details. And he made valid points even though he didn't believe the theory had any validity. I don't either. Just because I ask about something doesn't mean I don't believe in it.

If I asked what caused E Coli, does that mean I made E Coli? Or I encouraged it? No. I'm asking questions. This is what open-minded people do. I didn't say I believe any of it, although many of you have been quick to judge and should apologize for such as I have apologized if I insulted or bothered anyone.