Why is Obama blamed for everything from that cruise ship fire to Amazon selling an...


New member
Nov 12, 2010
...Ebook about pedophilia? I've seen just about every news story have some reader's comment that Obama is to blame for this or that. I am curious to know what he has done (or not done) that should cause him to be blamed for events that don't seem to have any connection with his administration/presidency. Please be specific with the details why you think Obama is to blame for these occurrences, and what you would have done differently so people wouldn't blame you for it.
@Pancho Villa - I don't blame Bush for global warming, I blame him for making the job of the EPA just that much harder. On the other hand, I don't blame Obama for the Gulf oil spill, I blame him for not being tougher on drilling safety and regulations.

I'm wondering why people lay blame on Obama for things that truly have nothing to do with the man. I mean, if Obama is to blame for Amazon selling an Ebook about pedophilia, can you please show me where his hand waved the pen that told Amazon to publish? Or how Obama got an engine fire aboard a cruise ship off the coast of Mexico.
@Moonshine - I'm sorry, but you are proving my point. I would like proof to an accusation rather than just another accusation. I mean, I think your answer is close to what my question's intention is, but only mirrors my question and doesn't attempt an answer.
@Soni R - Still doesn't explain a reason why folks blame others for things that have nothing to do with them.
The same reason Bush got blamed for everything that had nothing to do with him. People are just dicks like that.
If so be the case then he must
responsible for the vocano in
Indonesia too he was just there.
Where was he when the engine room
of a cruise ship blew up. A plane just
blew up also here in West Palm Beach.
He did that!
Because Americans are pretty retarded. Half of them want something, while the other half want some completely different. And there's no way Obama can do anything without offending at least one side. First they rejoice in his election and celebrate him like the 2nd coming of Jesus, now they hate his guts.