Why is McCain complaining about Obama taking some time off?


New member
May 22, 2008

In the article, McCain is dogging Obama for taking some time off. He's using the Congress/Senate on vacation platform to bash him.
Yet, McCain himself was hanging out with Bush Sr. a few weeks back.

The way I see it, both McCain OR Obama haven't been doing too much "Senate" work since they're BOTH out campaigning full time.
And, Obama has been campaigning much longer than McCain due to his early Republican nominee win. He deserves a few days off to spend with his FAMILY.

So, why does McCain have to use this as a negative spin? Why can't he just use Obama's time off as a chance to promote HIMSELF without bashing his opponent?

McCain really doesn't have a viable theme that is striking a chord with the public. All he can do is complain about Obama. If you review all of his ads they are only about Obama, nothing about McCain himself. This is pretty sad considering he had a 3 month head start to organize his campaign.

Update: McCain's new theme is SURGE. He will use this word everywhere.
"McCain said that he believed we need policies that would produce more jobs, an "economic surge," that would keep jobs here and create new ones."
McCain couldn't get any traction in opinion polls when he was running on the issues, so he's switched his tactics. He's now running a completely negative campaign - and he's doing it in a very desperate way. Basically he's now slinging any little piece of mud he can find and watching to see what sticks.