why is it all christians on here feel the need to attack other religions...


New member
Oct 8, 2008
...and atheists instead of reasoning? ? the more i look at this spirituality and religion section the more i realise how much christians enjoy ignoring their own religion and terrorising atheists. i thought that christians were meant to be good people and understanding. it wouldnt be half bad and you wouldnt get such rude answers if you preached your ideas and asked serious questions rather than just trying your hardest to insult people. INSULTING PEOPLE WILL NOT CONVERT THEM TO CHRISTIANITY. i have no problem at all with christians but please explain what compells you to do this.
i wasnt trying to insult you christians i was asking an honest question from some of my observations. why have you found this so offensive. i have tried to phrase it in the least insulting way possible so as not to offend you.
jeeez getting a bit worked up there. now i just feel sorry for you. why are you judging me. i was making an observation. not a stab at you.

Also i want to clear up that i do not mean all christians. just some certain ones her on YA.
to k danley i am aware and have seen the atheists bashing the christians also. but i jst assumed that is what atheists do. i wouldnt be able to tell you who started it. but in all honesty and i apologise if this offends once again but i have seen three times as many questions from christians on this topic compared to atheists bashing christians. im not choosing sides here.