Why does Yahoo allow "proof by assertion" questions in the politics section?


New member
May 24, 2008
Why does Yahoo allow "proof by assertion" questions in the politics section?

Yahoo Answers claims that it wants its users to ask REAL questions and not rant.

But all the questions by Right-wingers seem to fall into the category of propaganda called "proof by assertion"

Example: "Why does Michelle Obama hate America?" (asked 67 times and counting)

But when I asked "Why don't Republicans come to terms with their OWN homosexual agenda?" my question was deleted.
In the details, I listed 8 links to various Republican officials being arrested on illicit Gay sex-related charges...

So my question had a foundation in reality and was a serious, thought-provoking and answerable question...

Why was mine deleted and won't be reinstated but all this mind-numbing stuff stays up?
Dude I have read your questions. Too late to get sanctimonious now. You're probably the worst offender of all I have seen.
I think you're confusing a debate and answering a question asked. Logical fallacies don't really apply in this forum. The whole concept is to ask a question and get an answer... that is not a debate.

As far as Yahoo... there is no rhyme or reason to why they do what they do...
The Y!A reporting system is on autopilot. It is a computer program that cares nothing about content. I've never reported any question for any reason. I simply ignore those obviously asked by dimwits. I can not tell you how to deal with these ignorant statements disquised as questions, but I would advise you to DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.