Why does Taco Bell cause the craps?


May 12, 2008
Every single time, and I'm not exaggerating in the least, I eat food from Taco Bell, I get intense diarrhea the second I finish my last bite. It happened again tonight. I finished a plate of their nachos, and they were ready to come out the other end, or at least forced something else out the other end, immediately. It doesn't matter how often I eat there, or how much I eat, because those nachos were the only thing I had from there, and I hadn't eaten anything from Taco Bell for several months before that.

On to my question. Why does Taco Bell do this to people? And are there any other people who get the squirts as quickly after eating the food as I do?
I don't drink soda, so it isn't that. I've also heard lots of other reports from people who've had similar problems, so it can't just be my problem. It must be something with Taco Bell's food that some people are lucky enough not to be effected by it.