why does my g/f love to argue?


New member
May 16, 2008
ok so i been with my g/f for sometime and when we first met i know she just got out of a relationship but i tried my hardest to pursue her, During this time she went out with her friends who love hooking up with random strangers. Even my g/f (who i wasnt with at the time) was messing around with random strangers., but there was something about her that i didnt care i just knew i wanted her. After about a year i started to give up and started to flirt with other girls. Eventually we got together and everything was great, for a while. now both of us are hot tempered and she would ask me to let things in her past go but she is still quick to bring up things from my past and considers me flirting and her sleeping around is equal. Now she makes maybe 5 times more then me yet i work more hours then her and got way more bills then her. So Ill be the first to admit financially I am not stable, but i still try my best to treat her as best as i can yet to her she doesnt seem to see it. Example for my birthday my friends wanted to go out and have a few drinks and hang out., however my g/f decided hey lets hang out for your birthday, i quickly left my friends hanging and went out with her, the night started off great she took me to a Italian restaurant and got me a couple of gifts but then we spent the next 3 hours at a parking lot of Mc Donalds down the street from my house while she was talking on the phone with her room mate who happens to be her ex's aunt yet for her birthday I saved up for 3 months and bought her all kinds of jewelry from Kay's and took her and her mom out to breakfast lunch and dinner fallowed by hitting up a local bar. yet she says i never show her love and lately things have gotten worse, she seems to complain about everything and anything not a day goes by with us going out without her making several snarky comments that boils me up to a point where i am yelling at her from the top of my lungs. its like she knows how to get me going and gets a kick out of it...now we dont live together so we hardly get to spend the night together so when we do i love to show her affection by trying to massage her and cuddle up with her in the middle of the night, but i get things like stop massaging me you dont know how(yet everyone i ever gave a massage to tends to love as a matter of fact she use to love it too till recently) If i try to hug her in the middle of the night she tells me to get off her. If I tell her i am sleepy she will call me every 10-20 minutes to talk about things that dont matters knowing i have work in 5 hours. Now like i said earlier i am not financially stable so i do ask her for help and she is free to say no when i ask...we had a big argument about it this recently so i completely stopped asking her for favors like a ride to work( my car broke down) so id get up at 3 am to get to the first bus to be at work by 7. now this morning my legs gave out and i couldn't walk to the bus stop and i needed much needed rest..so i left her a text to call me when she got up...when she called me i just told her to call my manger up and say I am way to sick to get to work( i cannot miss any days of work right now) and she said she wont do it...i agreed and said fine but then she goes on complaining about where i work and how far i have to go and shes tired of taking me and bla bla bla so i told her ok i am not asking you to take me i just asked for you to make a call no big deal just leave it alone, yet she wouldn't stop complaining so i hung up on her and had another friend of mine do it...so i texted her saying ok my friend did it for me and without complaining (just letting her know i dont care about the complaining) then she goes off saying things like oh well i guess you dont need me anymore then right bla bla bla then trys to say i got mad that she said no even thou i kept telling her its not that i just didnt care for the lecture, yet she being as stubern as she is ignoring everything i am saying and sill insisting that i am mad because she said no, now i dont know what to do...we went from arguing from once every 2 months to arguing twice a day and to be honest i have never had as much anger issues as i did till the past year with her, i still love her and want to be with her but she is making me go crazy and wont listen to anything i ever say or ask her to do, like her make up witch i hate cause she truly is beautiful and when we spend the night together id wake up in the middle of the night and watch her sleep cause i think she looks so beautiful without make up. so now a part of me is saying fix this while the other part of me says time to let her go? so help me out people what should i do?