why does my connection drop when I use bittorrent?


New member
May 16, 2010
Whenever I download something large or for a long time on bitTorrent, my internet connection goes out. Let me elaborate on what I mean by "out": All of my transfers drop to 0kb/s; The internet (via firefox) doesn't work at all. if I'm on skype, I get logged off; This happens on every computer in the house.

Usually this happens after Downloading something at like 1MB/s (not Mb) for a while. I've noticed that When I move to a new house, I won't have any problems for a few months, but then after problems start they occur routinely.

This has happened to me at 3 different houses on 4 different routers on many different OSs of which I can guarantee they did not have any viruses (virii?).

the best explanation I can give is that comcast is monitoring my connection and cutting me off in an effort to curb pirating, but I'm pulling that explanation out of my a--. if somebody with a GOOD explanation could give me an answer (don't ask me to do something stupidly obvious like reset my router) then please share.
If your reading this can you report ? for spamming up my question?