why does my cat hate me?! i hate 20 characters?


May 21, 2008
My cat used to love me and be my best friend, but now she's so mean to me! SHe always goes up to my mom and plops herself on my mom's lap and cuddles with her, but she never does that to me! When I pick her up, she jumps right down, or bites my hands or face! I always scold her for this, but to no avail... Sometimes I'll be walking around the house and she'll run out of nowhere and pounce on my feet and start scratching and biting my ankles! When I pet her, if I don't stop in like 10 seconds, she'll turn around and bite me! I don't pet her stomach o anything either, just her head and back. Why does she do this stuff to me, and what can I do to stop it?!