Why do you automatically put "ALL" Pit Bulls to sleep?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I am really disgusted watching your program about putting all Pitties to sleep. What is the point of this? More cruelty to pits? You are one prejudiced bunch of people. Even puppies??? What gives here? And, then putting a beautiful great dane pup to sleep because it had Demodectic Mange? My Pit had general demodectic mange, and, after much treatment she got over it. However, she does have allergies. I adopted her from a shelter at 9wks. old and the mange showed up about 6mos. later. But, now she is a beautiful Red Nosed, red coated dog, that loves everyone, including dogs, cats, and kids. She is probably the friendliest, best tempered dog I've ever had, and, I'm 70yrs. old.
It's been proven that most Pits can be trusted even after being used for fighting. What kind of State is Michigan that wants killing them to be "the norm?" I won't be watching your shows anymore, and, neither will anyone I can talk to. You are soooo totally unfair, and, cruel. You are becoming a state killing machine. What a shame, since you DO actually help some animals, "IF" they are the right Breed, and, IF you decide to actually help some others. BUT, NOT, THE PITS. ARRRRH!!!
What's the use? I'm sure nothing will ever change! You're just to ignorant to even try to educate people. What's the use???