Why do women whine so much about there not being any "good men left"?

Sep 21, 2010
I hear it a lot from women and honestly it makes me sick because women want to split their legs for all of these jerks and they want to go under the mentality that they can "change them" and all the while the ignore the nice guy or the good guy. Women run to the nice guy with their problems and when the emotional support is there, they end up running back to the jerk that treats them like trash.

See I learned my lesson, I used to be the nice guy myself until life changed me and after a few bad experiences of seeing the pretty looking girl I like end up going off with a jerk who nailed her and then left her to cry. I realized that girls like bad guys so I became one, heck, if my girlfriend ever mouths off I tell her to shut the f*ck up and she knows that my needs, my life and my schedule come before her, in the day time when we are not in bed of course.

So women, ever realized that there are good men left but they will soon come to their senses like I did and turn into the jerks you LOVE to hate?
allie get a freaking life you you freckled up bimbo

ooops sorry you have to look good to be a bimbo

I can't believe I picked the wrong word