Why do people keep comparing Bush to Hitler?


David La Pierre

I have no problem with you disliking Bush, I don't agree with a lot he has done, but comparing him to Hitler?

Here is just a brief overview of criticisms from wikipedia

1.1.1 Al Qaeda
1.1.2 Iraq
1.1.3 Torture
1.1.4 Other human rights
1.2 Domestic policy
1.2.1 Civil liberties and expanding government
1.2.2 Economy and Fiscal Policies
1.2.3 Response to Hurricane Katrina
1.2.4 Environment
1.2.5 Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy and refusal to testify before Congress
1.2.6 Hostility toward the Poor

Hell, there isnt a criticism page for Hitler. Nobody needs one! Lets just use one thing he did here, and make a comparison.

He killed 6 million people.

He killed 6,000,000 people.


Are people seriously saying what Bush has done wrong is anything even close to the murder of 6 million people?

Oh but if I guess if somebody killed ONE person YOU KNEW, they would be worse than Hitler to, huh?
"Plain and simply there idiots."

You do not know the difference between "there" and "they're"

Therefore you are an idiot, therefore you are Hitler.
"It's quite simple:

Bush is stupid.

Hitler was stupid."

You are human.

Hitler was human.

So you are Hitler.

You two also share many attributes, one of which probably was not intelligence. Regardless of the morality of his actions, Hitler was most likely rather smart to be able to do what he did.
"Bush was in on 9/11 as well, add that to your list."

Dont forget to add then, that Hitler was conspiring with aliens.
Get your facts straight xialou1, and learn how to make a comparison.

Oh, and don't forget that Bush caused Hurricane Katrina by sneezing when he was 34. Butterfly effect and all...
"Most of the world hates America during Bush's rule... "

Oh and they just loved us before!
"Hitler blaimed the Jews, Bush blaimed saddam."

So... Saddam is the Jewish people?