Why do my friends complain about being alone?


New member
Dec 29, 2013
I'm 18 and a girl. Only dated twice, it sucked and I lost my best friend.

My friends young and old, male and female all complain and tell me they're scared of ending up alone without. Anyone to " love" they all have it planned out with kids, a house, being wives and husbands etc. I think it's rather ridiculous myself, such ideas.

They're all fairly young 16-30s, I don't understand the mentality. My female friend whom is overweight and rather desperate just settles for anyone who comes her way being used or not.

I don't understand it. I've yet to find someone I really can " be" with, a friend, a partner etc but I have pets and a family and am currently satisfied. I entertain the thought occasionally of finding that who completes me but I have plenty of time and miles to explore all in search if myself and a good career.

It disturbs me because when guys try and get with me I feel they are just settling because while I can be their friend it's just like we don't compliment nor know eachother. I explain this to them and this is why I'm skeptical to dating.

I don't want someone who loves me, I want us to love eachother mutually. Not to just settle I'd rather be alone. Plus I had friends once and they turned on me bad over something dumb

Why do these people lack such independence that they are scared to discover themselves and spend time alone until finally falling in love?

It's strange and I fail to understand.