Why do I feel this need to smoke?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Basically, I'm 16 almost 17 and I go out drinking. For about a year and a half I've smoked, but very little, like one or two a week, and that's at weekends when I'm offered them from friends. I never did it to look cool or be cool, I just wanted to try it out of curiosity, but when I did I actually enjoyed it. I can't have been/be addicted cause it was only those one or two times, sometimes even no times, in a week, and until last night I had gone about 2 months without smoking and didn't crave, or feel the effects of withdrawal or anything. I get more tempted when I'm drinking, like last night. I want to stop, but at the same time when I'm offered one it's so tempting cause I enjoy it.

So why do I get so tempted, and how should I completely stop? I do think even if it was just once every two months like this time it would be quite good, but I still regret it afterwards.