Why did I have this nightmare?


May 13, 2008
Started off with My boyfriends Great Grandma. We were with the family and she bit me. I told his grandma and she apologized for it. GG turns into a demon of herself and it tormenting me in my parents house. Later my family arrives and I warn them about the demon frantically and they don't take me seriously. There is a bad lightening storm outside and I tell My sister and her son to get away from the window. We all huddle up in the living room until the storm passed. I notice there is another demon upstairs. It's a man surrounded by a thick black fog that moves with his body. He moves slowly. His eyes are red and he's very menacing. I am very afraid of him. My sister walks towards him despite my warnings. His eyes start glowing yellow and he attacks her. I go ask my dad for help and I'm followed by 2 wolves. When I spoke to my dad he immediately knew My sister was in trouble. We walked back to her and nothing was left except for a bloody pile of body parts. I was horrified and woke up.