Why did Dozens of Employees Walk Away From Electrolux ?"?


Beach Girl

Dozens of Employees Walk Away From Electrolux

NewsChannel 5 looked into whether the plant employed illegal immigrants. Sources told NewsChannel 5 more than 100 workers have been let go in the past couple of days. The employees said it was complete chaos. According to a NewsChannel 5 source, so many workers have been let go that it has been hard to do their jobs at the Electrolux plant.

Second and Third shifts have been hit the hardest, and they believe the company is taking action to fix a problem that should not have happened in the first place. Diane Casey has lived across the street from the Electrolux plant for years. In that time she has had a front row seat of who comes in and out of the plant, but Friday was different from the rest. It was an observation shared by many during the plants' shift change around 1:00 Friday afternoon.According to a NewsChannel5 source, Electrolux let go 120 employees Thursday and 52 on Friday.

"They were calling your supervisor, calling names to go to HR, taking them to HR and from there walking them out the door. Something about their ID's or Social Security numbers weren't matching," said an anonymous employee. Electrolux released the following statement: "Electrolux does not tolerate or condone the use of false documentation in attempting to establish work eligibility. Every new hire undergoes two verifications of employment eligibility. In light of the recent news stories, we are conducting a review of employment eligibility documentation. The company's policy regarding the presentation of false identity or work authorization documents is termination of employment." "After our last break on the lines it just went berserk," said the employee.

A phone call during second shift Thursday night prompted many employees to walk out.

"Somebody had called in saying INS was going to be there to pick them up when they walked out the door, so they voluntarily walked out themselves," said the employee. The situation could hurt Electrolux's production. Electrolux wouldn't confirm or deny the number of workers that have been let go in recent days or why. The immigration and customs enforcement department, better known as "ICE," is looking into illegal document vendors in the Springfield area.

Earlier this week, federal Agents arrested two people, and charged them with making and selling fake IDs in Robertson County.
"Do you think electrolux is the only plant that hires illegals?"
No, Of course not. The Corporate world has become so greedy they they are willing do anything for a profit, even if it means lowering the lifestyles of Americans by hiring illegals to work at a lower pay. Not only does this interfere with American jobs but then we end of having to support the illegals through government subsidy such as food stamps, health care and housing. So the American Taxpayer get hit while the Politicans on the hill keep coming up with more ways to get the working class dollar. That is what NAFTA and CEFTA is all about. It's not to help other nations way of life, it's all about greedy Corporation.
I'm sure there are many more corporations like this. Hopefully they will see the light.

Good for Electrolux, they are setting the standard.

Now maybe the illegal aliens will understand that they are not welcome.

Get legal, or get out!
Good! Glad To Hear That Something Is Finally Happening To Discourage Illegal Immagration!!!
Our Country Needs To "turn Off The Magnets" Attracting Illegals, Like Free Medical Care, And Education And Clamp Down On The Companies That Hire Them! Hopefully This Will Encourage Them To Go Back Where They Came From And Come Back Legally! I'm Not Against Immagration, Lets Just Know Who And Where They Are And What They Are Up To!!!! Our Safety And Ecconomic Security Depend On It!!!
They walked out because they were working there illegally and did not wish to suffer the potential consequences of being caught by ICE officials. Good. Now when the word gets out citizens and legal residents will be able to get jobs there.
WOOO HOOO! Proof positive that the "Do Not Match" letters being sent to employers are working. If this was happening everywhere, the illegals might save us some $ and SELF DEPORT!