why are there more calories in unpopped popcorn than in popped?



quite confused... it says that in unpopped popcorn there are more calories than in popped... (one serving unpopped popcorn is more than an entire bag popped!) but, i just don't understand how there are fewer calories in popped popcorn rather than the kernels. i'm on the diet self magazine is currently running and they said one cup of popped popcorn is 40 calories (which is exactly what the box of popcorn says it is)... it says there are about 3 servings... so wouldn't there be 120calories in one bag of popped popcorn?? or am i severly confused?? i don't put anything on the popcorn, i just eat it plain.

i'm worried that i'm consuming more than i think though (after reading another question on here regarding the same thing!) but nutrition lables aren't THAT hard to understand... even had my boyfriend check it out to make sure i wasn't mistaken...

anyone able to clarify this for me?
incase i need to clairfy... it states that there are 40 calories per serving and that there are about 3 servings total...

i agree with everyone... but, at the same time... it doesn't make sense. the box states that there are 3 servings per bag... 18 servings in the entire box (there are 6 bags) in 3tsp of unpopped there are 160calories but in 1cup popped there are 40. now, it states that there are about 3tsp (32g) of unpopped popcorn in a serving size... the servings of popped pop corn are 3... (like i said already, ha!)....the numbers just don't add up unless there are 120 calories per bag of popped popcorn. unless, there is more than one cup per serving but as far as i can tell, the bag of popcorn will only fill up 3 cups. hmm... some websites say that the pop popped corn burns some of the calories from cooking it, and others don't agree... blahh!