Why are the American people whining so much about gasoline prices?? It's...


New member
May 13, 2008
...cheap over there!? Like here, in Europe, the prices are something like more than twice that of USA prices.

American people should stop whining, use less petrol, and go on with life.

5% of world population is in the USA. But... About 40% of gasoline consumption is done buy only that 5%!! So quit whining!!!

And live closer to your office, so you can take the bicycle or bike!!! Instead of that huge pickup truck which go only 20 miles for a gallon!
And use more wind, water, earth warmth, tidal and that kind of energy. That's all there is to it.

(BTW... I recommend buying a lotta motor bike and bicycle company stocks right now :))
Ofcourse i ment 'by', not 'buy' (typo).
"However, Europe has a much better communication system."
That's just a lie. Ok, you have Microsoft within your country, that's a shitty OS to communicate with. But USA has something like the highest number of computers per person in the whole world.

"In America, many people have to travel long distances by car because of necessity"
That's exacly what i'm saying is what USA should change!! Don't be so dependant on gas... Move closer to work! Buy smaller vehicles and take a bicycle!!

"with expensive house prices."
You people simply have no choice. If you DON'T move, you might go bankrupt.

"Since when is there a good system of widely available wind energy?"
Where did i say that? It's just a part of the solution! But a needed part!

"There's a whole different style of life in Europe"
Indeed, USA has the style of wasting way too much fuel. BTW, also Europeans aren't clean enough.

"you shouldn't be so quick to judge."
Quick?? How many DECADES did USA use way to big cars?
The average gas price is about 4.15 a gallon, with poverty as one of our concerns, some people can't afford the price of gas, where I live the price of gas is 4.09. Earlier this week it was 4.25 a gallon, gas prices vary from state to state, it is also cheaper in missouri for gas than any other state in the country.

When gas goes up, the price of everything else goes up, so that effects us more than you would think.
ITS ISNT CHEAP! in canda its about 132. in USA its about 150! compared to canada the US is beign robbed!