Why are my alt and ast always high?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I done tests on december of 2011 and my alt was 291 and ast was 116. On march of thi year I did some more tests and the results where not good again. My alt was 105 and ast 55. In may I repitet the test and dr called me the same day to tell me that my levels where even higher than in march. I do not drink and I do not take ilegal drogs. The only things that I may thing of are that I have been taking rrasberry kotones pills, alli but not too offen and I have been working out 5-6 days a week for 90 min in order to loose weight like dr recomendet. Why is this happened? Dr has ordered fom me to go and see a liver specialist but I am so warry about it. Any idea?