Who has cats ansd is pregnant or recently had a baby?



I know many people with cats and have delivered healthy babies. So many people are giving me advice like "get rid of the cats" or "dont change the cat box". I need in need to hear from people that have been in the same situation as me and what actions they took to prevent the birth defects, etc. Of course I am deploying my common sense and avoiding the cat box, but what really are my risks of contracting something from them? My OB doesnt seem to think it is a major concern, but everyone else in my family and around me are freaking out! I would also like to get some advice on how to handle the cats after the baby is born. I understand they will be curious.
I have no personal experience with that yet but would read this:

ive never been pregnant but i kno people who have been and have cats, nothing happened, u cant really "contract" anything from cats except for the flu, (although in all my years of having cats and i have 3 now i ve never caught anything form them) dont let ur family freak you out, and after u have the baby, try to treat the cats the same (they might get jealous) and just watch them when theyre around the baby cuz they will eventually wanna check out that new screaming thing ur always holding!!!!
If your cats are indoor cats, you have little to worry about. Toxoplasmosis is passed through cats that eat mice and other critters, assuming they aren't doing that in your home.
Wear gloves when cleaning the litter box, and clean it frequently, it takes time for the parasite to grow, so don't give it the time!
Here's a link with all the info you need, including getting kitty adjusted to life with baby: http://cats.about.com/cs/catmanagement101/a/humanpregnancy.htm

Good luck!
Most people with cats and other pets have already been exposed to toxoplasmosis and haven't known it. It presents as a slight cold in humans. The only risk is if you haven't been exposed and catch it while you are pregnant. Just be sensible, wash your hands thoroughly and don't play with the poop!! AND the cat will not smother the baby either!!!

As to the people freaking, get them to obsess over something else that benefits you. My husband hung all the washing out for months after his mother told him that 'putting my hands over my head would wrap the cord around the baby's neck" hee hee!! I only told him it was crap after we finished having kids.

Pregnancy is one of those times that you will hear the most outrageous and ridiculous claims - all true of course :) Relax, enjoy the pregnancy and look forward to your healthy little baby.
Since you don't change the litter box there is no concern there. That is one thing you don't want to do.
The concern that your family has is one of those things from way back when, that a cat with smother the baby.
I had a cat when my son was born and there was never any problem--that cat actually taught my son how to crawl sooner than the age he was supposed to--LOL!!!!!!!
To get rid of your cats just because you're pregnant doesn't make sense to me. When the baby arrives they'll know something new is in the house and as long as you let them know their limitations during introduction it'll be fine.