Who has better HD DVRs right now? DirecTV or Dish Network?


Jun 2, 2008
I'm on Dish Network right now. I want to upgrade to HD. I am considering switching to DirecTV to get the promo rate. What do you think about DirecTV's equipment versus Dish Network?
I have had both services in the past and currently have Dish Network. I find Dish's HD DVR to be superior to DirecTV's is several ways. I think it's easier to use, it has more features, and more storage space. DirecTV has some advantages, like the Whole-Home DVR thing, but I didn't use it very much. For the price, I would stick with Dish. Their prices are def cheaper. Check out the site below if you want more info on DirecTV, but personally, I would get the upgrade from Dish Network. I think their equipment is way better. Hope this helps.

i would get directv its better hd better service i had both but directv is the best lots of friends switch from dish to directv and they like directv better