Which of these topics sound the most interesting to you?


New member
Aug 9, 2012
Please choose 2. I'm writing two different research papers for college and I'm not sure which topics to choose.

1. Should birth control be available to young adults? What age is too young?

2. Do violent video games cause behavior problems?

3. How have clothing trends changed within the past 20 years?

4. Parents want to raise children who eat a variety of nutritious foods. What parenting strategies are
the most successful in meeting this goal? (Strategies include: always clean your plate, eat two bites of everything, eat what you want, serve children only foods they like, etc.) Also, should parents use food as a reward?

5. Should adults be held responsible for pregnancy among young children?

6. What is the best age to marry?

7. Beauty contests are bad for body image

8. Kids under 15 shouldn't have Facebook pages

9. Music lyrics promote violence

10. Safety is more important than privacy

11. We need better sex education in schools

12. Do we give the elderly enough respect?

13. Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity? When is it individual
responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame?

14. What differences, if any, are there in children who are raised by stay-at-home moms and working moms?

15. Is it better to home-school children or send them to public school?
All of them are interesting to me, which is how I compiled the list. It's just hard to narrow it down to 2 of them. I can't write 15 research papers.. don't have enough time =]
I'd go for 13 & 15. Those are the ones that are most interesting to me, and there are plenty of experimental results to back up the quantitative arguments.