Which of these music/rythym games are the best?


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Hello everyone,

I'm building a collection of music video games (Guitar Hero and Rock Band), and I need help to chose the next one. These are the options (consider all the games for PS3):

Guitar Hero World Tour
Guitar Hero Metallica
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Band 3
The Beatles Rock Band

I already have two guitars, two microphones and one drum kit (from GH Warriors of Rock). So, which game should I pick, and why?
Rock Band 3 is the best of those.

The creators (Harmonix) are the ones who created the Guitar Hero franchise, but left after GH2 and began doing the Rock Band series. It's generally superior to the Guitar Hero stuff that came after. So Rock Band > Guitar Hero. Rock Band 3 is the best of the RB games because, simply, it's the latest release, has the most music, and can import music from the other two games (or you can buy it online through the psn store). Also it has the keyboard, which the other 2 didn't have.

Rock Band Beatles is a great novelty, but since it's only the beatles, it's very limited. It's a great complement if you're a rock band fan, but not the one to get as a first choice.