Which Food Network Celebrity Chef do you predict will have the next major CORONARY


May 26, 2008
or myocardial infarction? We're talking about diet here as in heart attacks brought on by the kinds of food that each of the Food Network chefs like to cook with or eat.

My bet is that it will be GUY FIERI, PAULA DEEN, or MARIO VITALE.

Re: Guy Fieri...

His show "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" travels the country looking for the best tasting local eateries but not necessarily the high-end fancy places. Well, small-town America loves to cook with GREASE and Guy has no problem chowing down on every monster hamburger grease bomb he can wrap his lips around. He's a younger chef but he's got a no-holds barred approach to most of the dishes he advocates (e.g. Guy's Big Bite) which usually incorporate lots of fat and salt, and I just wonder how long he's going to be on this earth upright and not in bed with tubes sticking out of him, with this approach to cooking.

Re: Paula Deen

She is the queen of butter and sugar, isn't she? And with the size of her figure, it sure shows.

Re: Mario Vitalle

Mario is an Itallian master but he is also one to put flavor and taste about considerations of what's really more healthy so like Paula and Guy, he generously incorporates anything that tastes great which usually includes pork, fatty meats, organ meats, salt, and real butter. And with his girth, you can bet his doctor may have given him a few warnings already.

There are many other personalities in the Food Network portfolio of TV chefs, so my question does not limit your consideration of just these three. If you happen to have inside knowledge of which chef might already be experiencing health problems due to lack of moderation in their diets, please share your knowledge in your answer. And I am no pristine health nut who only eats rabbit food as I too enjoy things with salt and butter in them. I'm just asking who do you think is the hands on bet at the Food Network for the next Chef with a heart attack, based on the foods and ingredients they espouse in their cooking regimen.
And to set the record straight, I wish NONE of these chefs EVER have a health crisis in their life as a result of diet or the recipes and ingredients they have promoted over the years. But realistically, no-one lives forever and eventually, we all have to be more consciencious about diet and what we injest (or have injested over a lifetime that may have been marked by excess in favor of taste, sometimes to the expense of better health). And yes, there are plenty of flavorful recipes that can be heart healthy too, but some of these Chefs do throw caution to the wind and it is bothersome, sometimes, when you are following their lead but trying to be diet conscious as well.
"dishes he advocates (e.g. Guy's Big Bite) which usually incorporate lots of fat and salt"

Ummm, which dishes would those be exactly? I have yet to see any dishes on Guy's Big Bite that are particularly high in fat or salt. Well, perhaps an olive side dish. But olives are actually full of good fats, lowering cholesterol. So, umm, yeah. Which dishes were you referring to?