Which car should would you choose? A Dodge Charger or Honda Accord Coupe?


Active member
May 12, 2008
In a few weeks time I will be getting my first car for my 18th Birthday. I've been dreaming of a Dodge Charger for years now, and test drove one a few weeks ago and loved it. I also talked to a dealer extensively the other day as well. But over the past few weeks i've become very apparent to the fact that Japanese cars are built and engineered much better, therefore they last a lot longer and have fewer problems. I have also heard that when it comes to American cars, Dodge isn't very high on the list in terms of quality.

I was walking through a Honda dealership the other day as well when a fully loaded 4 cylinder Accord Coupe caught my eye. I test drove it and enjoyed it a lot. Although, I think I would be better suited with the V6.

My question is which car do you think I should get? It would be the 2012 version of the Charger, and either a 2011 or 2012 version of the Honda Accord Coupe. I want something with speed and power but would also last and serve me for a long time. Even though Japanese cars are obviously better, do you think that the Dodge Charger would be fairly reliable? Also, does anybody know anything about Chrysler's lifetime warranty?
if you are going to keep for a few years the charger will be fine but if you want to keep it alot longer the honda will hold up much better, less problems and better trade value. sad but true the american cars just don't compare to all the imports although many imports are now made here. I would myself buy the honda and not look twice at the charger.