Which car should I get? 2005 Mustang GT or 2003 BMW 330XI?


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Mustang - http://home.comcast.net/~wj4va/sigpic.jpg

BMW - http://www.refineddetailing.com/resources/2001+BMW+330xi+LARGE.jpg

So, here's the thing. I'm 18 and I have about a 20K spending limit and those 2 cars were my first choices. The BMW is luxurious, good handling, and fairly quick. To other people it might mean good taste, mature, and stable. The mustang is FAST! 300 HP, could be interpreted by other people as cocky, young and reckless, but a fun person.

I would be buying both used, the BMW has 45K miles on it, the mustang 14K miles. The mustang is about a grand less, but I'm not sure if the insurance would be more than the BMW. BMWs are notorious for maintenance, but Ford isn't all too reliable either, but parts are cheap, they'd both would be automatic...because I don't know how to drive manual nor have any method of learning. (Sad..right?)

So, what do you think?