which car or truck should I get? buying from craigslist?


New member
Feb 11, 2013
This is my first time buying a car. I want to buy something between $1,000- 1,800 no more than that.
So I do not think I can but in a dealer something for that price. Which truck is good? or car? what do I have to check for or what can I do not to get scamed buying a car from craigslist. I would really appreciate the help
I sell bicycle parts so I need a small car I am not trying to spend so much in gas if it is an older truck better because I seel vintage parts from 70s-80s so I want to put some old logos.
I do not really need more than two seats or a big truck
Try re posting with a little more information. Would you use a truck? For that kind of money a decent truck is hard to find
put an add on craigslist saying you are looking for a vehicle between those prices. and see what comes your way.

otherwise, for that much money you will be getting a beater, something that might barely run. if you get lucky you will find something decent. but you can't be picky, you'll just have to get what comes across your plate for that price.