Which car make do you most closely associate with status/luxury? Audi,


May 14, 2008
Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Acura, Infiniti? Rank them from 1 to 6 NOT according to your favorite but which one commands the most status in your opinion.
GoldDigger, of course I'm aware something like Aston would outrank all 6 but I chose those 6 on purpose because they are the common luxury makes.
This is my opinion..
1 is best
1 Mercedes
2 Lexus
3 Infiniti
5 Audi
6 Acura
1. Mercedes
2. Audi
3. BMW
4. Lexus
5. Acura
6. Infiniti

Audis kick ass, I never liked Mercedes but I guess that's the widely-recognized status brand.

A car that fits your personality is much better than just getting the most hyped-up brand though.

Also realize that BMWs are everywhere, you aren't going to stand out in one. Maybe it's where I live but I see literally 10-18 every time I go out anywhere.
Depends on the model of course, but for competing models:

1. Mercedes
2. BMW
3. Lexus
4. Audi
5. Infiniti
6. Acura

Of course, it ain't all about status.....I didn't buy mine (#3) because I was trying to impress someone......it's also about value, personality, styling and just plain what you like!