Where can I find legit copies of Sailor Moon on DVD with Japanese audio and...


New member
Aug 29, 2008
...English subs? So I'm interested in finding legit copies of the various Sailor Moon seasons on DVD but NOT the crappy English dub that is available in the UK/US. I would at least like the option of Japanese audio with English subtitles and I don't want bootlegs because those are all over eBay. I have found a few private sellers on Amazon Marketplace selling what looks to be original DVD box sets for Season 1 and 2, but at extortionate prices.


Are these box sets as rare as they seem? Is there anywhere else I can find something like this that won't cost me an arm and a leg? I'm happy to pay up to £50 for an original quality box set but £150+ seems like such a rip off, unless these DVDs I've seen are seriously rare as hell.
