Where are some places I can meet up with my boyfriend due to limited transportation?


May 16, 2008
My best friend and crush of about 4 years asked me out, and I'm really excited! But when we were in the 8th grade -- we're Juniors in high school now -- he moved about twenty to thirty minutes away. It's not insanely far, but we started high school, and we just never had time to hang out, and we kept in contact over the phone and skype for a few years. The good new is that he moved about fifteen minutes away from me, and now we'll be able to meet up, but my mom is... a little unreasonable when it comes to dating. She tells me that if I get good grades, I can get a boyfriend. I did. Then she changed it to "if you get good grades for more than just a few MONTHS", you can get a boyfriend. I run an online business, and attend a school specialized for arts -- we have two homework workloads, and that's alot to handle! I don't mind it, but basically, every time I do what she tells me to, she comes up with some reason for me not to date anyone -- so as much as I want to follow her rules, I have to resort to meeting up with him somewhere. For our first date, we're gonna go to the movies in about a week and a half -- my two really good friends(another couple) will be coming as my alabi, as I'll be telling my mom I'll be hanging out with them, and he'll meet us there. But after that, I can't have my mom bring me to the movies every time I want to see him... His parents can bring him anywhere, because they don't care who he dates, and I MIGHT be getting a car on my birthday, but that's about 7 months away.

So far, I can ask to hang at the mall, or movies, and I figured if I started hanging at a friend's house and inviting him there, that'd be a possibility, and I'll be more than willing to tell her about him maybe two months after we've been going out(I'm determined to make ALL As this year -- not just for him, but for myself -- so she shouldn't really have complaints about it), but until then, I can't just decide I want to hang out when I feel like it. Does anyone have any idea on what I can do about this?
I've been going through a similar situation so I know how you feel :'( My mom recently figured out that I have a boyfriend. But consider yourself lucky because unlike you, she doesn't allow me to have one before college. She strongly prefers me to break up with him, meanwhile his parents are fine with the fact that he has a girlfriend as long as he keeps his grades up. Even though that's what she prefers, I still decided to stay with him. This makes going on dates with him hard because I'm trying to hide my relationship. Now to help you with you situation...

This link is a question I asked on what to do about the situation I'm in. Many of the answers are very helpful. Apparently, they didn't work out with my mom because she's stubborn and strong minded with what she believes in. Maybe it can help you out.

For the places you can meet up, I'm sure you can meet up anywhere but just to be safe, make sure your parents/mom isn't following you. If she's driving you somewhere, make sure she leaves before you go and give your boyfriend a hug. You can go to places like the library, and restaurants. It's really not that hard. Good luck!