What's the deal with women complaining about men not being interested in...


New member
Oct 21, 2008
...relationships with successful women? * "The more successful the woman, the less likely it is she will find a husband or bear a child," argued economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett in 2002

* 'The price of female achievement, goes the centuries-old conventional wisdom, is loneliness.'- Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women

... Ok. So take this girl http://www.lazygirls.info/Corrie_Loftin/Ht050612_0358_P9suMBB (an honest LA 9+). Right now she'd have a slew of dudes representing any demographic ready to suit her. However the logic implied is that if she were to become a successful business woman, she would no longer be attractive to men to be in a relationship with?

--The way I see it is that successful women are not much different than unsuccessful women in that they both want to be in relationship with a man of higher status (or at the very least equal social status) than themselves, right? It's not that Oprah can't find a decent husband, it's that Oprah can't find a peer (a 50 yr old billionaire) willing to marry her. It seems women have absolutely no inclination whatsoever to do what men have been doing throughout all history- that is 'settle' for a partner of less value than themselves.

Read this again: "The more successful the woman, the less likely it is she will find a husband or bear a child"- haha, how ridiculous. What it should say is that men don't want to marry women who are as successful as himself. And should men not be entitled to this choice? Is the argument here on women's behalf that men should not only date/settle for women of lower (monetary) value than himself, but men should also take personal initiative to make sure that successful women never need to have to settle as men do?
* Article from question posted earlier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/22/AR2006112201801.html
The seed issue i'm bringing here is- why should men have any embarrassment or feel any empathy over the notion of women having to 'settle' for a partner of lower monetary value in relationships? (Something that men almost always do as well)