What's going on is it a dry socket or just pain?How do I swallow or spit the blood?


May 26, 2008
This morning around 9 I had two lower teeth pulled for braces.Then they put the braces on it wasn't too bad of pain,but now it's hurting! I can't tell if it's the extraction pain or braces, but I am real scared about getting a dry socket so I haven't ate or drank anything today.What should I do?
I have a lot of saliva and blood that I really want to spit,but I can't and it's GROSS to swallow. How do I deal with it?
You need to drink sweetie or you will get real sick. Hold off on eating solids for about a week. To clean your mouth take some warm salt water and move your head back and forth and then hold your head over the sink and let it run out, don't spit. Stay away from straws, and carb. drinks. Wet tea bags on the sockets will clot the blood. Good Luck