what would you think of a 19-20 year old girl on a dating website like eharmony?


Jun 3, 2008
Because I am currently a sophomore in college, and I have yet to be in a serious relationship. I have been with plenty of guys, but for one reason or another, they just don't work out. All the guys I cared about ended up being an ass, or the guys that liked me just weren't what I was looking for.
I am having a hard time finding someone that I can be happy with. I don't meet guys in my classes, and 98% of the guys I meet at parties are idiots. None of my friends have anyone they can set me up with either.
I am currently sort of "talking" to a guy right now, but he is taking too long in the whole "getting to know you" stage, and still hasn't asked me on a date yet, nor does he talk to me more than three times a week, and ONLY to see if I wanna meet up with him at a party. not even a date.
I can't figure out what is wrong with me, I am just chalking it up to bad timing and bad luck.

I don't wanna be "that girl" on a dating website, but I feel as though I am able to handle the type of relationship that none of the guys I am meeting can give me.

I feel like I am constantly somehow messing up, or turning the guy off. Because I am a virgin, many guys don't want me. Because I go to parties, guys assume I am a whore and don't give me a chance. If I get nervous and say something stupid, they are done with me. And now, I am afraid that they will assume something is wrong with me because I want to be on a dating website, and possibly meet an older, more mature guy. these college morons just are not working for me.

advice? opinions? anything?