What would you say my personal style is?


New member
Jan 28, 2011
I used to think it was simply old-fashioned stuff, but then a bunch of modern clothes started appealing to me. But only the really frilly, feminine stuff. My friend said that my style looks 'fancy shmancy', but I think that's to diverse sounding. Don't get me wrong. I love fancy clothes, but I also like some simple things to.

First of all, I adore pearls. But they're too expensive, and the fake ones are good enough. I also really like hoop earings, but I think they would look weird on a little kid (I'm 14). Another thing I love but that I would never wear is high-healed shoes. Ouch!

My hair is naturally wavy, but I prefer either ringlets or ruler-straight hair. If my hair was extremely straight, I wouldn't want it curly. But I would flip it out like this: http://images.flintstonecostumes.com/a_betty_rubble_wig.jpg and wear a simple, pretty headband. I also love the hairstyles on prettyhairisfun.com and Star Trek. I dislike buns unless they are braided.

As for clothing, I love very feminine cutesy stuff. I'm not a fan of jeggings, unless they are under a dress. I love floral patterns and in general I really like boots. But I dislike uggs, high heeled boots, or anything punk-ish. I also like single-color shirts with no sleeves and ruffles at the top.

Other than that, I don't like sleeveless shirts. I also don't like shorts, miniskirts, or 80's style gym shoes (bleh. I love 80's fashion but not the shoes).Also, I know it's a little thing, but I really don't like shoe laces that aren't white. I don't know why, they just put me off. So what would you say my personal style is?